About Us

About Us

Why are we here and
how can we help you…

We are a team of home-based professionals that are determined to stay sane, fulfilled, and healthy.  Just like you, we’re aware that a healthy body and mind is paramount for navigating the steep, slippery slopes of working from home.


How we Started

When Elmari Strauss founded the Wellness Club early 2020, she was clueless about the imprint it would have on remote professionals. It turns out, tons of home-based employees were in hot pursuit of a healthy life-style outside a traditional work place, but had no idea where to look.

Having worked remotely for over 10 years, she discovered that wellness was the magic pill for boosting productivity and enhancing work efficiency. She came up with the brilliant idea of founding an all-inclusive umbrella of wellness resources, and here we are!

Today, we pride ourselves as a trusted wellness e-Book provider. We’re showing our customers the way to healing their bodies, enriching their minds, and forging hearty connections one e-Book at a time.


We are a team of home-based professionals that are determined to stay sane, fulfilled, and healthy.  Just like you, we’re aware that a healthy body and mind is paramount for navigating the steep, slippery slopes of working from home.

We call ourselves the wellness warriors, because we’ve waged war against feeling unfit, jet-lagged, and isolated. Through our rich E-Book library, you’ll have access to helpful, personalized wellness tips to keep you afloat in an isolated work environment.

If you’d wish to combat the alternating feelings of isolation, tiredness, stress and de-motivation, feel at home. We realized that most of these back-breaking issues are intertwined with your diet, exercise, sleep, and mental health. As such, we provide a rich resource of wellness advice for combatting the above issues and more.


We aspire to build a closely-knit community of fit, healthy and blissful remote professionals. We believe presenting detailed and tailored wellness e-Books is the first step towards actualizing this dream.

We’re strongly convicted that even in a world that celebrates an insanely busy culture, your health and wellness champions it all.

So once again a warm welcome to the e-Book Wellness Club.

Welcome to our New Team Member!

Meet Karen our Fitness Coach 

I am a Certified Fitness Instructor and have been teaching fitness classes for 24 years. I am also certified in Personal Training, Zumba, Pilates, Kickboxing, Step Aerobics, Poundfit, and Individual conditioning.

Fitness and Health is my Passion. I also have certificates for Clean Eating and Nutrition. I am currently teaching 7 live classes a week at 2 different studios. I have a Fitness Youtube channel that I started 2.5 years ago which I love doing. When you are living your passion, it becomes effortless! I love creating my workouts for my Channel because the way It makes people feel after they do my workouts is so rewarding. I am helping people feel great and healthy!

⭐️ Kindness is Powerful ⭐️

Fitness with Karen Quilliam | e-Book Wellness Club





Meet The Content Team

We call ourselves the wellness warriors, because we’ve waged war against feeling unfit, jet-lagged, and isolated. Through our rich e-Book library, you’ll have access to helpful, personalized wellness tips to keep you afloat in an isolated work environment.

Me and my very creative co-content creators

I have been doing freelance work for more than 10 years and recently realized that while working from home has been so natural for me, a lot of my friends have been forced due to the pandemic to either start their own business from home or start working from home (remotely) even though part of a corporate company.

I started this platform where we can all get together, share ideas and just keep our sanity and health in tact.

Laura is a Kenyan-based health and wellness writer for wfhfreedom.com, and is also a personal blogger. Growing up, she saw her dad struggle with weight and type 2 Diabetes, and this inspired her whole-hearted commitment to lead a healthy life-style. She believes that physical, mental, and spiritual wellness is the answer to life’s toughest questions, hence continues to inspire people to experience the true bliss of being healthy. On a normal day, you’ll find her working out at a chilled spot or trying out another herbal Tea recipe on her handwritten recipe book. She finds Rom-Coms hilarious too, and is always down for a good, hearty laugh.


Camara Ellis is a Jamaican writer within the niche of personal development and health and wellness, she has over 4 years of experience writing. Camara enjoys creating interactive and informative content such as blog posts, poems, and short stories.

Camara Ellis is a freelancer that brings value to clients worldwide through writing and teaching English. Her career has exposed her to hundreds of foreign nationals from all walks of life in both hemispheres of the globe, serving children to senior adults.

“I am a South African living in the Netherlands. I miss the breathtaking nature and lovely people of my home country, but I am starting to adapt to the Dutch way of life after two years. I have learned that you are responsible for your own happiness, just like you are responsible for your health. I have been a vegetarian for the past 24 years, but I love cheese! I also have a sweet tooth, which is my biggest healthy eating challenge.

I enjoy writing blog posts on interesting subjects that I can do research on! I am also writing children’s books as a hobby. It is incredible to escape into a make-belief world full of endless possibilities with fictional characters. Apart from writing, I am continually trying to learn to speak (and write) better Dutch. Not an easy language, I realized.

I know now, at age 48, that optimism is a choice, and your attitude toward every aspect of life is in your own hands. I am inspired by being alone in nature as the beauty and silence helps me focus.”