10 Tips to Prepare Your Mind for Your Fitness Journey

Steve Cotter, the fitness guru himself agrees that the mind is the master and the body is the Servant. Once the mind is set, the body is free to go as per the master’s wish.

The mind is most definitely the crucial box that you should check for your Fitness Journey. As though one may argue that there are other essential factors such as nutrition and exercise, maybe even equally crucial to the task at hand. The basis is if you are not well prepared mentally, it is a losing game. In that regard, here are ten tips to help you acquire the proper mindset for health and fitness:

  • Summon the Power of your Inner Self

Every one of us has within themselves the capacity to believe in ourselves as equal to a task. All it takes is some self-reflection, mediation with our successes and failures. Take some time, meditate on your journey of fitness and not anyone else’s. Yours and yours alone! Convince yourself that you can be fit because you want to, from that moment in time. After making it personal, you are now ready.

  • Focus on your current stats

Fitness is a journey, and like all others, it has a starting point. Am I less masculine or feminine? Obese, overweight, or underweight? Do I want to work on all or some parts of my body? Okay, so this is where I am. Acknowledge the point at which you will begin. Mark the point by the present statistics. Body descriptions helpful at this point may include your body weight, height, descriptions, and abilities.

  • Find a reason to get Fit

The reasons why we involve ourselves in any fitness journey should be well defined. It should be good enough to get us out of bed early and our comfort zones to hit the road, the gym, the Yoga or aerobics training we have signed ourselves! This choice we have made should be reason enough to motivate us. Which one amongst these is yours; improving overall fitness, building strength and stamina, or losing weight? It should be worth the time, effort, and sacrifice you are making.

Having an Idol to whom we look up to might sum up this contention.

  • Set Simple and Realistic goals

As a rule of thumb, set simple goals that you can achieve while enjoying yourself. Remember that getting fit is all about making yourself better, so stick within your limits and only be realistic. Gradual target increments are real rather than sudden strenuous targets.  With a gradual increase in your daily or weekly targets, you condition your mind and body to the realism that there are developments. Be in control of every step.

  • Know your limits

This decision for sure is a personalized fitness journey. Make no mistake of comparing yourself to or competing with a friend or colleague. As much as working with them may make the process more fun, desist from competitions. In the case that you need to have a partner, work together to achieve fitness. Be faithful to your targets and meet them when they are due.  Take each day or week at a time. Don’t rush, and neither should you slag!

  • Keep track of time

Getting fit is the destination of the journey. As it may be the first stop and the start of many other small trips and other Journeys, it is wise to keep track of time. One has to establish the period in which they need to accomplish the journey of fitness. There is no argument that the journey for overall body fitness may be endless, but keeping track of time monitors the progress made. The more time we put into fitness training and exercises, our bodies get and stay fit.

  • Break bad habits

Many a time, we find ourselves in bad habits that we would love to change. They are partly the reasons one has to prepare to get fit. Bad habits are a factor that should always be on your radar. Bad habits may be eating fatty junks that make our bodies lose shape, getting little or no sleep, and stress eating. Bad habits are our weak links because they are already in our system, and we desire them. If you need to make it to the end, make the compromise. Be kind enough to yourself to drop them off your baggage.

  • Make a plan B

Setbacks are part of the journey. To deny would be insane. In any journey, it is always wise to have in your vehicle a spare tire, your toolbox, and your first aid kit, amongst other contingency measures. In case other activities eat up into your training time, do make-ups to recover the time and progress you lost. Make every training session worth it. Give value to your effort and time.

  • Reward yourself

The mind reacts well to positive reinforcements. It is psychological that we as human beings are conditioned to incline towards activities that have rewards for us at the end. Set milestones to celebrate when you achieve them. Commend yourself and let it match the effort, time, and sacrifice you put in. Be proud of every single one of them, and you’ll fulfill your desires in this journey of fitness.

  • Never Give Up

As notable, for you to have reached here, you are a winner! Even after losing and waking up to nightmares, we never cease to dream. Every time you fail, it is a challenge to keep going and learn from your mistakes, not to repeat them. Even after falling short of fitness, it is okay to take a break but not to quit. It should be to reassess oneself and get back to training, tougher than tuff this time.

Upon achieving fitness, the new challenge is to stay fit, which makes the real difference.


Other factors such as nutrition and exercise also matter to keep the mind and body in great shape. Keep tabs on these factors as they are part of the journey to fitness package. Always stay hungry for fitness.

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