Stress Busters: Five Tricks for Staying Calm in a Stressful Environment

Our bodies are designed to react to stressful situations by releasing hormones that make it challenging to stay calm in a stressful environment. However, your ability to stay calm in the face of stress will make you or break you. So, how do you deal with stress while remaining calm? If you are struggling with that, here are 5 tricks for staying calm in stressful situations. These tips are helpful whether you are going through a tough time, your career is stressful or you are in a phase in your life with multiple stressors, these tips will come in handy. Take a look!

1. Breathe

So small yet so powerful is the power of breathing in a stressful situation! Breathing is a tip that is often overlooked but can help you stay calm in a stressful environment. When under stress, the body activates hormones of flight or fight. Slow breathing does the opposite. Taking slow, deep breath is an effective strategy for relieving anxiety and releasing negative energy.

How do you practice slow breathing in a stressful environment? Take a chair and sit with your arms on the armrests. Start breathing slowly and deeply through your nose for about 5 seconds. Hold in the breath for about 3 seconds and breathe out through your mouth for about 7 seconds. Repeat it at least 10 times or until you regain your calm.

If you find it challenging to do it on your own, there are great exercises on the internet or you can download an app for assistance. Try it today!

2. Identify the stressor and decompress

Have you ever felt so stressed but you really can’t put your finger on what is stressing you? Zeroing in on the stressor is a critical step in managing the feeling. You cannot deal with a giant whose strengths and weaknesses you don’t know, can you?

Once you have identified the stressor, take a step back from the environment or situation that is stressing you. Do something completely unrelated to it. For instance, if it’s work or school-related, take a walk or watch a movie. Detach yourself from whatever is stressing you, even if momentarily. Once you are calm, you can come back to the situation and solve it if possible.

Taking your mind off things can help you regain your calm so you can look at a situation with a clearer mind. Once you decompress, you will be able to see the situation from a completely different light. Decompressing may give you a completely different perspective of a situation.

Embrace the new way of thinking and you might just realize that you were taking the long road in solving the problem.

3. Avoid acting on impulse

The first question you need to ask yourself each time you are in a stressful situation is this; “is there anything you can do right now? The first step to answer this question honestly answer this question is to admit the feelings you are experiencing. It can be anger, anxiety, or even sadness.

The next step is to identify whether anything can be done about the situation. If yes, take action by doing whatever is needed to take control over the situation. If there is nothing that can be done, it’s critical to remind yourself that no amount of worrying can change that which cannot be changed and no amount of regret can erase that which has already been done.

The key to staying calm in a stressful environment is to channel all that energy and feelings into something productive. Acting on impulse can lead you to make wrong choices or decisions since your mind is clouded. It’s crucial to regain your calm so that you can look at the situations clearly and make the best choices.

4. Pen it down

A great tip I have learned over time is to journal. The tip really comes through when in s stressful situation. Think of it as doing a brain dump.

Stress and emotions can be overwhelming especially if you are operating in a stressful environment. Taking 5-10 minutes of your day to channel the feelings can take the load off your shoulders.

Write down all the things that are competing for your time and attention to get them off your mind. Identify the matters that can be addressed today and those that can wait or even be abandoned altogether. Make a clear plan of action once you have categorized everything that is stressing you.

The plan will help you stay on track hence help you stay calm in a stressful environment. If you have trouble using a pen and paper, try planning and journaling plans so you can do everything on your devices.

5. Designate worry time

It’s human to worry and sometimes we can’t really help it. As unnatural as it sounds, it’s healthy to designate limited time to worry.

You might just be able to figure out a way to stay calm in a situation you behave little or no control over. Set a timer on your phone and decide what to do with that time. Are you stressing about exams that are approaching, make a plan on how you will tackle the unit?

If you are obsessing over a matter that is causing anxiety, take the time to challenge those negative thoughts. If you are stressing about making an important decision, use the worry time to make a list of pros and cons.

Whatever you do, us the time looking for solutions so you can put the matter to rest and move on!


The tricks we have discussed above are sure to help you keep your calm in stressful situations. However, if nothing seems to work, seek help from a professional. There is absolutely no shame in seeking help. When your mind is in a stable state, you are able to make better decisions.

Do not overlook simple tricks such as sleeping, taking a walk, or doing simple breathing exercises.

Try the tricks we have mentioned and let us know how well they work!


#what are the five stress management techniques #stress #stressmanagement #stressbusters

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